Project by
Tinson Thomas

The Problem:

About nine million people in the world are considered to be a deaf or dumb or both. Communications between deaf-dumb and a normal person have always been a challenging task. Generally dumb people use sign language for communication but they find difficulty in communicating with others who don’t understand sign language. This project aims to lower this barrier in communication by developing a portable electronic device that act as a smart assistant. The device can act as an artificial ear and tongue. Through this device the disabled persons can even make a phone call communication, which is defined as an impossible thing for them. Thus our primary goal in this project is to provide a standard lifestyle for deaf and dumb peoples as normal ones.

Proposed System:

The proposed system consists of two units. (1) A subsystem which can clipped on the collar of the shirt (as a lavalier microphone). This consists of input – condenser microphone and output – speaker sections and a camera to capture and record human face for future reference with their voice modulation (2) The main system is a portable device where the user sends and receives messages as text. Also the device acts as mobile phone and the communication is performed as text chatting. The communications between these two units are via Bluetooth.

When a normal person tries to interact with a disabled person using this device, the device starts vibrating informing that someone is around you for interaction. It takes inputs from the lavalier microphone. Then the device does speech to text (STT) conversion and displays it on the device screen, based on what the normal person conveys. The user can give reply as text message and the device does text to speech (TTS) conversion. The output is obtained from a small and powerful speaker. An advanced prediction texting concept will be provided, so that the delay in communication can be reduced. Finally contacts of every person can be stored/recorded as voice modulation and face photographs based on image processing technique deployed with the device camera.


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