
Virtual reality a computer simulated space were the user experiences the artificially created sensory feelings. For this virtual reality many devices are available like occulus rift, Microsoft hololens etc. It takes the eye and ear senses to the artificial world. Taking the virtual reality to higher level by porting the whole body to the virtual reality has been achieved. As promised by the makers it will make you feel what you play.

Tesla studios introduced a new suit which is world’s first full body suit made up of smart textile. The suit is called as Teslasuit. What makes Teslasuit different from other suits is its ability to make the user experience virtual reality and that too washable. Teslasuit erases the boundaries between the real and virtual world. Teslasuit is like a wearable computer with many controllers. The Teslasuit helps the user to experience all the feelings while playing a game like virtual bullet shot, the hug etc. can be experienced by the wearer.


How Teslasuit works???

Teslasuit works on the principle of electro-haptic technology or neuro-muscular electrical stimulation technology.The electro-haptic technology is used by our body.Haptic technology creates a sense of touch in the user using some force, vibrations or motion. Here they have used up to 52 such haptic feedback points. The design has modularity in which it allows different modules can be added to upgrade the system. Right now it has 3 modules namely E-Haptic ModuleMotion Capture Module and Climate Control Module.The specification for each module is given below:

E-Haptic Module: It will sense different pulses which will stimulate the skin surface to produce the tactile feedback. It has 30 electrodes forming 15 channels and each channel has pulse amplitude extending from 0-80 mA, frequency in the range 1-500 Hz and pulse width of 1-260us.

The software for this module has an editor to create haptic gestures and animations and a player to play these files. An engine will be there which act as a library to control all the modules related to it and a library system consisting of notification to bind notifications to the haptic system.

Motion Capture Module: It is used to record the motions with gesture control and to apply it for real time applications. It supports on-board processing with a frequency of 200 Hz. It has 9-axis motion sensor to capture the motions which can be stored in the internal memory. 

Similar to E-Haptic module it has an engine, a recorder to record and capture data to memory, gesture and Avatar the libraries for maintain details about gesture control and 3-D models.

Climate Control Module: It is to regulate the body temperature in the range10 – 40 °C having frequency 100 Hz.               

The software kit is similar to the E-haptic module consisting of an Editor, Player, Engine and a Notification system

Now developed Teslasuit has 30 feedbacks point for haptic system and a belt to control all over system. The controller belt is called as T-belt, which providing connectivity as wireless to all the haptic points. It has a mesh of sensors incorporated in it. Up to 52 channels can be included to drive the tiny pulses generated from the skin. There will no vibration or noise from the Teslasuit and it can be worn like any normal clothing.

Haptic feedback points

Requirements for the Teslasuit

A virtual reality headset is mounted over the head. The virtual reality headsets can be Oculus Rift, Microsoft Hololens, Google Glass, Epson Moverio Smartglasses, META Space Glasses, OSVR, Playstation VR, and HTC Vive & Valve Room-Scale. The other components required are game consols, PCs, tablets, smartphones having Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.   A battery of 10000mAh is provided which lasts up to 4 days in a single charge. This Teslasuit has a player and editor for the virtual system. Teslasuit also has some virtual meeting apps and a digital paintball game.

Haptic editor creates pattern for different sensations. These can be incorporated while playing after saving the creations. Haptic player plays the already recorded sensation patterns. Virtual meeting apps help the user to make call or interact with someone using VR headsets or webcam. The touch, hug etc. can be experienced using the Teslasuit. Digital paintball game, the first VR game which supports physical feedback. It supports Teslasuit and VR headsets for playing. The multiple users can play.

The operating system is TeslaOS. It is specifically designed for the Teslasuit.  The applications can be directly installed into the OS. It can also live stream the games with high quality graphics onboard.

Some of the specification of the developed Teslasuit is mentioned below:

  • It has a 1GHz Quad core processor.
  • Inbuit memory of 1G B with expandable memory of 16GB.
  • It has 2 USB 2.0 port.
  • Have Wi-Fi communication.
  • Supports virtual reality headsets.
  • Supports different modules like haptic module, motion capture module etc.
  • Have audio output.
  • HDMI port.



  • Gaming
  • Virtual Dating
  • Health Well Being
  • Education
  • Animation
  • Sport & Fitness training
  • Science & Engineering
  • Psychology
  • Real life training stimulations

Video: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/247607504/teslasuit-feel-what-you-play

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