Home/ Tutorials / Trending Technologies/ Wearable Tech - BrainPort Vision Device Technology for the Blind
One of the best wearable tech for the blind has been developed by neuroscientists. This amazing wearable tech will help the blind to get a different experience to interact with the environment. Developed by the neuroscientists of Wicab Inc., this device allows the blind to see without the help of eyes.
BrainPort vision device technology is defined as a wearable tech that translates the information/data from a digital video camera to the tongue of the users with a small electric simulation. In simple words, a camera image is just being transformed into something which users can feel and then see inside their heads. Hence it is used as a technology for the blind.
A person with Brainport Vision Device
Figure 1 shows the parts of brainport vision device. They are:
Parts of Brainport Vision Device
Brainport vision device consists of a digital video camera placed in the pair of glasses as shown in the figure. Visual data is captured through the camera (1.5cm in diameter). Signals from the camera are then passed to the Brainport device along a cable and then to the lollipop-shaped stick, placed on the tongue.
Brainport Balance
The electrode array is a square grid consisting of about 400 electrodes placed on the tongue. The control unit of the brainport vision device helps in conversion of the image into a black, grey and white picture. This picture is then recreated to the electrode array. Each electrode present in the array will provide an electronic pulse on the tongue according to how much light is present in the area of the picture. Usually strong pulse vibrations from the electrode array represent white pixels, medium pulse represent grey, and zero vibrations represent black pixels.
It consists of
Accelerometer is used on the other side of the electrode array to give information about body and head position to brain through electrical stimulation of tongue.