PLC also known as programmable logic controllers are basically digital computers designed especially for machine control, factory assembly lines and automation. The industrial automation techniques make use of PLC’s the most. The control of these devices vary from the general purpose computers, however, they were designed for output arrangements and multiple inputs.
The programming of these devices is done using specialized computer languages that vary from IEC 61131-3 standard, ladder logic, SFC also known as sequential function charts, FBD also known as function block diagram, Structured Text or ST to basic B and C languages, that can be saved later in non-volatile memory or batteries.
Before the introduction of PLC, the controlling, sequencing, and safety interlocking logic of the automobiles manufactured mainly comprised of cam trimmers, close loop controllers, relays and drum sequencers. Due to the reason that these could number up to hundreds or thousands at times, the upgradation process of these facilities yearly was very expensive and time consuming, because it required the electricians to rewire the relays individually in order to change their characteristics. As digital computers were general purpose programmable devices, they were soon used for industrial purposes. In the earlier days, it was important to have programmers, power quality, cleanliness and environmental control.
The PLC is a specialized computer and it incorporates all the basic parts that a general computer would own such as the CPU (central processing unit), input and output interfacing and memory.
The input and output lines of every PLC is limited. However, the number can be increased if needed with the help of some additional modules by system extensions through extension lines. Every module may or may not contain extensions for both input and output lines. In addition, the extension modules can have outputs and inputs of a different nature from that of the PLC controller.
In order to meet the harsh environmental conditions in the industries, PLC’s were designed to be extremely sturdy and durable so as to withstand humidity, extreme temperatures, electrical noises and vibrations. The logic controllers are the most common equipment used to monitor and control numerous actuators and sensors and are hence different from the other computers in the I/O arrangements. The PLC cycle comprises of
However, the order of the performance of tasks varies from one software to the other, nevertheless, it is performed in an order. This implies that the outputs, inputs and programs are isolated from one another. In case any physical input is changed during the scan, it does not change the value of the input until the next scan takes place. Substantially, the output values will not be changed until the next cycle. The scans are done at a faster pace, i.e. microseconds. The PLC’s are commonly used for industrial purposes, however, their unique strengths make them liable of being used for other applications as well. A BAS also known as Builiding automation system may use the PLC for a boost to the system response and processing power. It may comprise of a variety of sensors used as inputs that range from simple limit switch to a mesh netowrk. Different types of input/output ports allow the building operations and maintenance workforce interface with PLC to adjust and monitor the behavior from a central point, that is known as SCADA system.
The Power Line communication systems are manufactured by companies that include- Addon technology, , Alstom, Corinex, Advantech Corporations, Ariane Controls, AutomationDirect Controls, Beckhoff, DS2, Devolo, Echelon, FF-Automation Oy, Keyence, Hitachi, Gigle Networks, Ilevo, Mitsubishi, Maxim integrated products, Motorola, Omron, Panasonic, Rockwell Automation, SiConnect, Siemens, Schneider Electric, SIPRO, SpiDCom, Telkonet, Thomson SA, WAGO, ON Semiconductor, Phoenix contact and Yamar Electronics Ltd.